24 Jobs That’ll Put Food on the Table Post-SHTF

Putting food on the table during a SHTF event is the motivation behind why many folks start prepping. But, we must think ahead to how we will all continue to do the same post-SHTF as stockpiled supplies eventually dwindle, game is hunted out, and society begins to rebuild. Unless an asteroid hits the Earth, life, … Read more

The 20 Best Survival Movies You Can Watch

It is no secret that serious prepping is hard work, and maintaining personal readiness is a never-ending task. That being said, all work and no relaxation makes for frayed nerves and grumpy attitudes. One traditional and time-honored pastime in America is watching movies, be it at home or out at the cinema. Pretty much all … Read more

Survival Hygiene: The Complete Guide

hygiene kit with toothbrush floss deodorant razor shampoo inside a pouch

Staying clean is not just a good idea in kind times in order to remain socially acceptable and claim your seat at the lunch table. Cleanliness is crucial to maintain good health even if the sky is falling or society is crumbling. You must not underestimate just how important it is to stay clean, even … Read more

Tinder vs. Kindling. Here’s How They Are Different

starting tinder with sun rays

You’ll learn plenty about starting a fire in all kinds of ways when you hang around preppers. In fact, you’ll likely learn more than you wanted to know! Building a fire always starts with a few fundamental factors: heat, oxygen and fuel. Combine the three, in the right ratio, and you have a fire. When … Read more

5 Survival Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)

Disaster Checklist Photo

Survival is rarely a matter of having the perfect plan that will magically make all of your problems go away, but planning is nonetheless an essential factor in surviving the complexities of major crisis events. One element of planning that you can lift directly from military planning and tactics is the implementation in your own … Read more

How to Prep if You Don’t Have Any Money

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There are some obstacles to prepping that are not commonly discussed. If they aren’t being ducked entirely, they are at least being sidestepped. The most common among these, and certainly the most pertinent for quite a few folks, is how expensive prepping can be. An awful lot of prepping articles, including those written by yours … Read more