Amateur Radio and DXing


by Shannon If there’s one thing about the world that we’re completely sure of, it’s that change is constant. We’ve seen fashion trends differ from the decades before today. We’ve seen our planet evolve from flat land and rising mountains to plain fields and tall buildings. But most of all, we’ve seen change in how … Read more

Covering More Ground when Bugging Out

bugging out

So it is time to bug out. Something horrible has happened and you need to get away from civilization as quickly as possible. You have plenty of wilderness ahead of you, but you need to move quickly and put miles behind you. The terrain is rough, the rocks are slick, and you may even have … Read more

Stay Away from These Poisonous Plants

elder berries

Wild edibles are an excellent food source in a survival situation.  In most climates you can find wild edibles year round.  However, eating the wrong plant can make you very sick and can possibly kill you. Many plants can cause severe diarrhea and vomiting which can lead to dehydration and starvation.  Unfortunately, Mother Nature is … Read more